Register to Vote or Update Registration

Registration Books Close 28 Days Before Each Election
It’s easy and convenient!
The following requirements must be met in order to register:
- You must be a U.S. Citizen and a Kentucky resident for a minimum of 28 days.
- You must be 18 years of age by the date of the next general election (usually the first Tuesday in November).
- You are eligible to vote in the May primary election if you will be 18 by the November general election.
- You must have not been convicted of a felony. If you have been convicted of a felony, your civil rights must have been restored in order to be eligible to vote.
- You must not have been judged mentally incompetent in a court of law.
- You must not claim the right to vote anywhere outside of Kentucky.
If you are able to meet the above requirements, you may register to vote by completing a voter registration card and submitting it to our office.
Three ways to complete the voter registration:
- You can request a form to be mailed.
- You may pick up a form at our office.
- Click the link below to fill it out online

Register to Vote in the Following Ways:
You may register to vote or update your registration information:
In Person at
- Washington County Clerk’s Office
- Driver’s License Office, or
- Armed Forces Recruitment Offices
- Food Stamps
- Medicaid
- WIC, and
- State Funded Offices serving those with disabilities
By Mail using
- the Kentucky mail-in voter registration form
- the Federal Post Card Application if you are a member of the military, their dependent, or a citizen living overseas
Online Registration

How to Change Your Party:
Kentucky has closed party Primary Elections, which means you must register as a Democrat or a Republican to be eligible to vote in that party’s Primary in May.
If you choose to register with a political group or organization, or as an Independent, you cannot vote in the party primaries, but you may vote in all non-partisan primaries.
These races include:
- City Mayor
- City Commissioners
- City Councilman
- School Board
- Soil and Water Conservation, and
- all Judicial Offices
You may change your political affiliation between the Primary and December 31st, to be eligible to vote in you new party’s next Primary Election. If you change your affiliation anytime between January 1st and the Primary Election date, you will only be able to vote in the non-partisan races.