Absentee Voting
General Absentee Information
Kentucky registered voters may vote at the precinct in which they are assigned, on Election Day or, if eligible, may cast an absentee ballot by mail or walk-in at the county clerk’s office prior to Election Day. Kentucky law does not provide for early voting or unexcused absentee voting.
You must fulfill one of the following criteria to be eligible to vote absentee:
- you are a voter who will be out of the county on the day of the election.
- you are a voter whose employment location requires you to be absent from the county all hours and all days on Election Day
- you are a military personnel confined to a military base or are overseas on Election Day
- you are a student or resident who temporarily reside outside of the county
- you are voter or spouse of a voter who has surgery scheduled that will require hospitalization on Election Day
- you are unable to go to the polls on Election Day due to age, disability , or illness
- you are a pregnant woman in your third trimester
- you are a precinct officer appointed to serve in a precinctlocation other than their own
- you are a Deputy County Clerk
- you are a county or state Board of Elections staff

Military & Overseas Voters-Federal Post Card Application
Criteria for voters eligible to use the Federal Post Card Application:
- a member of the Uniformed Services on active duty, or an eligible spouse or dependent
- U.S. citizen temporarily residing outside the U.S.
- A U.S. citizen overseas by virtue of employment or accompanying spouse or dependent
- other U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S.
Federal Post Card Application’s may be requested at the link below:
Medical Emergency Ballots
In case of a medical emergency within 14 days of an election, a registered voter and the registered voter’s spouse may apply for an absentee ballot. The application shall state that the emergency condition occurred within the 14 day period.